Judicial Resource Center
on Drug-Impaired Driving
Providing education and resources to the judiciary
on impaired driving and promising interventions since 1992
Cases & Statutes
Live Training & Recorded Webcasts
Check out the latest cases and statutes relating specifically to impaired driving.
Each year, the NJC offers traffic-specific 60-minute webinars and live, in-person courses. Click here to view all educational opportunities, both live and recorded.
Bench cards, information guides, model orders, and more.

About the Resource Center
The Judicial Resource Center on Impaired Driving is a cooperative effort between the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and The National Judicial College (NJC). It is a repository for judges, state judicial educators, and other court staff on the latest cases, trends, and curricula around impaired driving and promising interventions.
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